
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How is the shutdown affecting federally-subsidized tenants?

The National Housing Law Project has put out a report explaining that while  many tenants in federally-subsidized housing are protected during the federal shutdown by long-term contracts and leases,  those whose contracts or leases expire during this shutdown are vulnerable.  

The report does not discuss how a loss of food stamps or other federal subsidies unrelated to housing will affect tenants' ability to pay their rent.  

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We need a state and city government response to this!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Make #TenantTuesday happen!

Join the Real Rent Reform Campaign's #TenantTuesday social media campaign. T

If you are lobbying, doing an action against a landlord,or having a tenants meeting on a Tuesday please use the hashtag #TenantTuesday to put pressure on Albany and build excitement around our campaign. 

Housing Justice for All - Support Universal Rent Regulatoin

Housing Justice for All is the program of the Upstate Downstate Housing Alliance.  Its program includes

  • Extending existing rent protections statewide - not just in counties of 1 million or more, and not just in buildings of 6 units or more. 
  • Ending loopholes that shrink affordable housing, including:  repealing vacancy decontrol and vacancy bonuses, ending permanent Major Capital Improvement and Individual Apartment Improvement increases, and basing future rent increases on existing preferential rents.
  • Extending rent regulation to unregulated tenants, at least by guaranteeing a renewal lease except for behavior that would get any tenant ousted.
Sign its pledge!